Congratulations on the 9th Anniversary of Kien Viet Trading Technology Corporation (May 5, 2011 – May 5, 2020).
Kien Viet Parking Care would like to send our sincere thanks to customers who have trusted and selected Kien Viet Parking Care service during the past 9 years. Kien Viet is very honored to cooperate and accompany with the development of our customers.
With the motto of always focusing on service quality, Kien Viet team will constantly try and serve customers with professionalism in the process, dedicated service style, commitment to highest satisfaction for Customers.
Wishing you lots of health, growing and more successful.
Wishing Kien Viet team a day of solidarity, enthusiasm and together continue to write a beautiful journey in the service of our true customers!
On the occasion of the 9th anniversary of the founding of the company, this morning on 05/05, small gifts were given to staffs working in the parking lots. Not only are the gifts of gratitude, it is also a sincere thanks to staffs who have accompanied and devoted themselves in the construction and development of the company for the past 9 years.
Once again, would like to send sincere thanks to all the staff who have been working at Kien Viet Parking Care. Wishing Kien Viet team a lot of health, find lots of joy in work and life.
A simple and cozy meeting for office staff at the company, blowing candles, cutting cake together, saving happy moments through photo shoots … Kien Viet Parking Care team together write a beautiful journey in the service of your customers!